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Australian Visas

Welcome! If you are reading this section it is because you are interested in visiting Australia.



Before I start , I want to make it clear that I am not a visa consultant and this is just basic information.

*More info on


Let´s start!


Depending on the type of trip you want, you will choose the type of visa that suits your goals.



If your interest is to visit the country with no intention of working or studying, this is your visa.

There are 2 types of tourist visas:


  1- subclass 651, valid for 3 months and free when you are outside the country

  2- subclass 600, valid for 3, 6 or 12 months with a minimum price of $ 145.

You can request it by yourself through the link.




This is the visa that I chose since it adapted to my goal of studying English - you can study anything - and be able to legally work 20 hours a week.


    The subclass 500 visa has a minimum cost of $620 and a maximum of 5 years


Applying for this visa is a bit more complicated, but not a big deal. You look for the course you want to do and see if you are eligible to apply for the visa.

My advice is that if you don't want to go crazy, or you have doubts, look for an advisor. I processed it through aussieyoutoo that helped me with the whole process before and during arriving in Australia.

If you want to know something else, do not hesitate to contact me.





     The subclass 462 visa is the perfect visa if you are under 31 and have a passport from Spain, Chile, Argentina or Uruguay. It allows you to work and/or enjoy a vacation in Australia for 12 months.


Depending on which country you are from, the application process may vary. My advice is that you inform yourself through the link I have left you or through an advisor.




If you are looking to work and live in Australia, these are the visas that will interest you. The minimum requirements are an advanced level of English, a professional career, and work experience.

If this is your case and you want more information, I recommend consulting an immigration agent.




Australian citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their partners (including same-sex couples) to apply for a couple visa. You can opt for this visa if you are engaged, married, or have lived with your partner for at least 12 months.

Partner visa



More info through the link.




I hope it has been helpful for you!


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